Monday, April 20, 2009

Toes getting numb during prolonged cycling???

I%26#039;ve been going on a few 2 to 4 hour cycling trips with my racing bike, and every time my toes will become totally numb. I don%26#039;t wear tight shoes (Toes have plenty of room), neither are the straps on the pedals really tight, in fact they are pretty lose. Does anybody have any ideas what can cause that and what I can do about it?

Toes getting numb during prolonged cycling???
Since you mention straps on your pedals I assume you are using toe clips. Tight straps would probably constrict blood flow and make your feet numb. But since you mention the straps are loose, I suspect you are not riding with hard sole shoes. Soft sole shoes will cause your feet to flex and get sore. Even worse, though, they will transmit pressure from the pedal to the nerves in your feet. Pressure on a nerve, sustained over a period of time, will cause numbness and worse.

If you are using soft soled shoes, try riding with hard soled shoes and see if it eliminates the problem.

You may want to consider getting a set of clipless pedals and cycling shoes. Cycling shoes have stiff, non-flexible soles. They will not only transmit power to the pedals better, they don%26#039;t allow your feet to flex or transmit pressure to your nerves. It takes a bit of getting used to clipless pedals, but they are really much easier and better than toe clips. You%26#039;ll be astonished at how much faster you ride and how much better your feet feel at the end of a ride.

Hope this helps. If my assumptions are wrong, let me know and I%26#039;ll try again. Good luck!
Reply:I notice if I am mashing my pedals my feet will hurt even at and hour or so in the saddle. Mashing is not pedaling in circles or specifically, if you%26#039;re tending to keep some pressure on the pedals during the entire circle. Try working on pulling up on the off power foot when pressing on the power stroke. This is proper form and will increase your power and efficiency as well possible help relieve you numbness

Sounds like you%26#039;re using toe clips and straps. If you%26#039;re wearing sneakers or other soft soled shoe change to a hard sole shoe. Biking shoe soles are extremely stiff for this reason.
Reply:The new style of racing bike usually has pedals anled down, prolonged rotation would cause the blood to flow awkwardly, causing the feelin of numb toes. Keep your feet parellel to the ground and keep hydrated.
Reply:maybe your seat is too high up lower it down half an inch and see if it helps
Reply:Whenever something is going numb while riding its usually a sign of a bad fit. If you have already had a bike fitting, I would suggest you get another and make sure you tell whoever fits you that your feet go numb on the long rides.

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