Saturday, July 25, 2009


white ppl murdered the nadivs to get this land and stole the land from them and treated them horriblel and enslaved the blacks for 500 years and treated them horrible to and all the white ppl have been horrible to all the race so y should i be proud of america and y shod i liek white ppl i want to but im not

look at thes video and tell me wat you thank

I didn't look at your video, but the White people here today had nothing to do with what happened in the past. You're hating Whites for no reason and that is ignorant. 2D
Reply:I do not believe that people who hate Whites of today are doing it for legitimate reasons, whites are hated because of their mentality not their history.
Reply:All that person on the video did was scream . That's is not how you debate or communicate. He is a very angry person. I guess in his eyes we should all just hate each other and live happily ever after?
Reply:One thing that you need to take into consideration is the majority of white immigration in this country occurred after the Civil War. I can understand minorities having historical grievances with the pre-Civil War whites who came to this country, took land from the Native Americans and brought slaves to the colonies, but please take into consideration that the majority of white people who now live in the U.S. are descended from Europeans who came to the U.S. after the Civil War. These later-immigrants (white people) did not own slaves and they did not take land away from the Native Americans. Some of them, but not all of them, intermarried with the decendents of people who had owned slaves, but could no longer own slaves or people who seized land from the Native Americans. Also, do not forget that white people were also cruel to each other. Signs saying "Irish Need Not Apply" were rampant, and so was discrimination of white foreigners who didn't speak English. When you see a white person please take into consideration that their ancestors may have also faced challenges and that their ancestors may not have stolen land or owned slaves.
Reply:You have to let race go! It is 21st century, and that means, anyone who whines about race (and involve whites) are practically asking for something in expense (from the whites in this case). You may turn the tables and see it for yourself.

In bottomline, this does not make sense and makes your whatever race you talk about, look bad. It's like you're telling me a story (whatever history) in order to want me to pay for it or else, we have already read them at schools and colleges for better purposes.

I have heard countless comments that Americans today are the best people in the world.(and they mean, whites and others). If you dont like us, just say that you dont like and find your own kind of friends. I dont lose a dime or sleep. Go All-American!
Reply:So how about the Aztecs? Or maybe the Mongols? Or maybe what the Chinese are doing these days? You dont seem to be hating them. Also, as much as I have heard Africans actually sold many their people to America.

And stop whining about things that happened 500 years ago. If you dont like it in America, move somewhere else.

But youre right, there is no need to be proud of America when its even unable to teach you some decent spelling.
Reply:It WASNT JUST WHITE PEOPLE!!! Do more research man, The Indians brutally murdered other Indians long before the white man came , same with all cultures!!! The Whites Just happened to "win"

And the "White man" of today has NOTHING to do with the white man of 100 yrs ago. LET IT GO!!


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