Friday, July 31, 2009

My church group is having a BBQ at our local park. It is warm here and I want to wear flip flops...?

They are going to have volleyball, badminton, sack races and tug-o-war for activities.

Do you think wearing these types of shoes would be dangerous? What should I do? My feet always got hot in sneakers and socks.

My church group is having a BBQ at our local park. It is warm here and I want to wear flip flops...?
For eating and socializing, flip flops are stylish and comfortable footwear. A lot of people wear them to picnics and other events. Your feet wouldn't get hot and sweaty as they do in sneakers and socks either. Plus you get to show off your pedicure and any jewelry (toe rings or anklets) you decide to wear, which is always fun.

If you are concerned with running around in them and participating in the events you describe, the easiest thing to do is just kick them off on the sidelines and play in your bare feet. Practically all the events you describe are best suited for bare feet anyway.

At the last picnic I attended, I noticed a lot of girls and even some guys participating in the tug-o-war, ultimate Frisbee game, and three legged race in just their bare feet, having kicked off their flip flops, sandals, and, in some cases, even removed their sneakers and socks before starting to play.

If you are worried about looking odd running around barefoot, I don't think you will have a problem, as many others at the event will be doing the same. At the voleyball game during my picnic, I think everyone was playing barefoot. Most people love going barefoot at BBQs and picnics. Plus, running around on nice, soft grass in just bare feet sounds like a great way to enjoy the festivities.

I would suggest wearing the flip flops since they are your preferred type of shoe, but just be prepared to shed them and go barefoot when you really have to move around.

Have fun!
Reply:Wear flip flops.

You can slip them off just before the activities.

Actually some of those things are easier to do barefoot.
Reply:Wear the flip flops if you want to. They are not dangerous at all. I would wear flip flops myself If I had gone.
Reply:If you wanna wear flip flops (Thongs, as us Aussies call them) wear them and if you wanna participate in the activities just take another pair of shoes with you..
Reply:wear flip flops and take them off when you do an activity
Reply:that depends. are you going to be taking part in any of these activities? if you are, I would wear more sturdy tennis shoes.

if you aren't, and are just there to socialize, then wear flip flops.
Reply:Either you wear the shoes you know are more suited to the activities you want to engage in.. or you prepare yourself for the consequences, be them a stubbed toe, twisted ankle or merely a broken flip-flop.
Reply:You should wear ankle socks and running shoes. Flips flops are not good for the ankles and feet when doing athletic activities.

* You are prone to twist or sprain your ankle!
Reply:Dangerous? I really can't see how wearing flip-flops will land you in the hospital. But if I was going to play badmitton or sack races, I'd probably wear tennis shoes.

skin problems

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