Saturday, July 25, 2009


i ask thes befor but thes is a new video white ppl murdered the nadivs to get this land and stole the land from them and treated them horriblel and enslaved the blacks for 500 years and treated them horrible to and all the white ppl have been horrible to all the race so y should i be proud of america and y shod i liek white ppl i want to but im not

This basically what the KKK is preaching backwards! Trust me if it is bad for them it is bad for us too. Don't fight fire with fire, fight fire with an extinguisher.
Reply:Not all white people are bad. There were white people protesting along side blacks against all the bad things that were happening including segregation. Its not fair to group them all together. Thats racist.
Reply:This is a distorted view of white American people. Some are really stupid and actually believe that blacks are beneath them. Look, the thing about America is it had alot of ignorant white people with guns who took over. We eventually began to grow and change America for the better. Thank God! Educated people of ALL RACES rose together to make America better. Many people died during the civil rights war. Yes I said war. Many Black, white, Jewish, Christian, Muslims died for the rights of their fellow man. This is when America land of the free actually began to take shape.

I am not ashamed to be an educated white woman. I am not ashamed to love my brothers and sisters. I am not a mutant. I am a child of God and he made me a beautiful color. Just like he made everyone else a beautiful color. Nothing God makes is ugly or mutant in form, shape, or color. He made us all just the way he envisioned.

Sorry, but when I get to heaven I am not going to be the one to question why God made people ugly colors. He made them because color is beautiful and that is all I need to know.

I am proud of Americans who rose up against this type of ignorance

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