Every time I see a question about healthcare, immigration, race, you name it you ALWAYS have a liberal saying "well if you were in there shoes you would...." Why can't they rely on sound facts and logic?
At the end of the day it is the conservative solutions that will benefit everyone over the long term than to employ the quick fix of the liberal.
Why do liberals immediately jump to the emotional part of a debate rather than discussing issues logically?
Because liberalism is entirely based on emotion...whatever we deeply "feel" is the answer to every problem...usually we "feel" like spending other peoples' money, but so be it.
Edit--Twenty-two thumbs down, I am rockin the house today!! Woo-hoo...
Reply:Only liberals?
Reply:... and your evidence is???? Yes, we need more logical thinkers like Bill-O and Pill-O. I guess it's their logical statements about black resataurants and phony soldiers that you are referring to.
Reply:I do debate issues logically while keeping emotions in mind.
Reply:I guess for the same reason that when I correctly point out that Rush Limbaugh is a liar I get 12 thumbs down.
could it also be because Conservatives ask emotionally charged questions?
for example this one: Liberals, will this story change your mind about helping Al-Qaeda?
why wouldn't any Liberal get emotional when lies like this are told.
Oh, that was your question, wasn't it.
**well done ditto heads, you exceeded the 12 thumbs down average..................
Reply:EQ is just as important as IQ. Still, I like to cling to IQ. Using emotions triggers responses. Their is some merit in the argument "well, it helps people" and helping people is good. But all of these issues are large and complicated, and while helping people should be a goal, other important issues need to be considered as well. Most important is implementation. How do you help the poor? Give them money, make them not poor? It rarely works. They'll become reliant on handouts, this is the part most liberals ignore.
I actually have liberal friends that started doing social work. They told me they now accept conservative ideology that giving handouts handicaps people when they saw it firsthand. For those who don't believe, spend a week helping the poor and see how they utilize welfare or other handouts. Gauge for yourself if it really helps them.
Reply:Because their arguments lack logic and are often based more on enemy propaganda they read on the Internet then on real news and truth..
Reply:Some do some don't. This is a gross generalization and has no basis in fact. It is merely a repetition of what you hear on right wing talk radio everyday.
And it seems to me the whole appeal of recent Republican campaigns has been to the emotions -- fear, "love of country", hatred of people different from you, hatred of immigrants, etc etc.
Reply:We don't. This is rich coming from a hateocon who asks questions like this one;
Can you spell hypocrite?
Reply:Well they would have to use facts and I do not think they know what those are and it would hurt der little feelings to feel like they lost a debate.
Reply:Heath care to a Democrat is about people
Heath care to a Republican is about money
Sound fact and logic
Reply:Its hard not to get emotional when you are dealing with greedy, selfish,war mongers who could careless about the majority of people in this country, but instead embrace the interests of the few, at the expense of the many.
Reply:Triteamd gives you the reason in his answer. He wants you to give facts, yet his answer states the names Bill-O and Pill-O and something about a logical statement about black "resataurants" and phony soldiers that he asks you if that is what you are referring to. Logically, you asked about liberals who answer emotionally. He answered with Bill-O and Pill-O and their statement about Black Resturants and phony Soldiers. Conclusion based on his arguement is that Bill-O and Pill-O are Liberals and their statements about Black Resturants and phony soldiers are based on Emotioins, or maybe based on Logic. Not clear since he was answering a question with a question. I think he was quite emottional and not very logical.
Reply:Like when some liberals want to ban abortion because they feel it is murder...
Oh wait... that's how some conservatives feel...
Reply:Seems like you're getting a little hysterical yourself, there, Chester.
"Sound facts and logic" are not what political debate is about; like it or not, the emotional aspect is a factor in every subject that deals with others' lives.
"Compassionate conservatives?" What, exactly do you think that phrase means: It's not about logic, that's for sure.
Reply:I think a fair balance between the two is necessary to come to a sound decision. I like to think my decisions through, to come up with the best plan.
But then again, I'm an Independent middle-of-the-roader.
Reply:Research, research, research! They are still saying that Rush Limbaugh disrespected our men and women in uniform, yet, by their own mouths they don't listen to him, and what they did was take out of context what the man said. They quote a transcript from the next day were he was referencing what he said a day prior. Liberals will claim, until their death that they are right even if it was proved differently. They get all emotional instead of using their God given thought processes.
They cannot rationalize, like yesterdays Democrats, (Kennedy was one) to cut taxes increases discretionary spending. This increase allows business to expand, both large and small businesses profit from this and thus increasing jobs. The more jobs, the more taxes. Why redistribute the wealth when we can all be productive?
Why do they think Big Government is a solution to anything? To Control the people? Why do we need to be controlled? To limit freedom?
I don't understand their logic either!
Reply:when your argument cannot be supported by logic ,you must resort to a base emotion to be heard(and hopefully discounted by those of us with an elemental understanding of real world economics).
Reply:The long term result of conservative policies are horrid.
The United States is the largest debtor nation in the world as the result of the conservative policy of tax cuts and financed revenues.
The United States,as a result of conservative policy,is the only western industrialized nation without universal healthcare.As a result the United States has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world,and is 41st in life expectancy.
The only long term beneficiaries of conservative policies seem to be the rich and the globalists who have destroyed millions of Americans wage earning potential.
Reply:Do you mean like: illegally invading other nations – and failing, miserably; effectively destroying America’s premier leadership role in international politics, exhausting our military; running the nation into impossible debt; setting new standards for corruption and sleaze in American politics; attacking the US Constitution and threatening the individual freedom and personal liberty of every US citizen more successfully than bin-Laden ever could have dreamed of?
Reply:You could not possibly be more wrong. But I suspect you know that.
Please outline the "logic" to all of us behind the Iraq War.
You cannot.
The insane invasion, the blood boiling for revenge, the lathering of the masses into a bloodlust to ATTACK even though Iraqis did NOTHING to us, and the Hollywoodesque "shock and awe" all sound pretty emotional to me.
You're completely wrong.
I just read where another poster supplied a link to one of YOUR posts. Asinine, childish name-calling doesn't sound very logical to me.
How embarrassing for you.
Reply:I find it hard to believe that conservatives don't use emotion when it comes to a debate, isn't angry an emotion when you don't agree with someone else's view?
Is supporting a bigot as Rush as measure of logic or emotional ties to your poltical point of view?
Reply:They don't any more so than conservatives. It is human nature. There is no logic in generalizations or stereotypes.
aded. thumbs down are an example of using emotion versus fact
Reply:That's why they're liberals, it's their personality type, that's the way they're wired.
You aren't capable of assessing the emotional dimension of an issue because you're wired to look at it from a dispassionate perspective and draw logical conclusions based on the premises bearing on the matter at hand. They are not.
You can't fault them for their way of evaluating information, it's no more or less valid than your own. They have simply made other criterion the priority for their conclusions.
It's not matter of right/wrong, it's a right-brain left-brain kind of thing.
I'm perfectly happy being a right-brainer. If having a left-leaning creativity means I have to compromise on abstract analysis and logic, I'll take my right-leaning moral compass any day of the week.
Reply:for the most part, liberals do not have substantial arguments to support their positions, so they rely on emotions, ad hominem attacks and being loud and obnoxious to intimidate those they oppose.
emotions are important, but should not be used as a deciding factor for things that affect the nation as a whole, otherwise we will end up with a bunch of entitlements that do nothing to help individuals or society and consume resources through taxation that people could otherwise be using to better their lives and the lives of those around them.
Reply:Because they would lose a reasoned debate based on logic.
But you knew that already.
Reply:Good call!
Truth seeker is a prime example.
Reply:Not all of them are that way but many are, for sure. Don't give away our secrets. Let the conservatives be the logical ones. It works every time. :)
Reply:If a leftist looked up the facts, assembled them logically and followed them to their conclusion, he would cease to be a leftist.
That is what MAKES him a leftist.
What you're asking is akin to asking why robbers mug people instead of taking on real jobs.
Reply:Thats 'cause libs are girls.
Reply:Their emotional people I guess. LOL
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