I%26#039;m serious. I tried to ask a neighbor for a ride to the store (white like me) and they couldn%26#039;t even be bothered to speak to me like I%26#039;m a human being. So I ride down there on a bicycle to grab a couple beers, a loaf of bread, and get a lottery ticket and a black dude offers me a ride home because it%26#039;s like 98 degrees outside and it%26#039;s a bit too far to be riding on a bike. Nicest guy you%26#039;d ever want to meet. I think of the black dude I work with too who always says please and thank you when white folks have no manners at all. Especially Southerners...okay, so I have had it with race hatred. Some people are assholes and some are decent, no color mattering. Do you agree? Anyway, I can%26#039;t be bothered to hate anyone for their religion or color and I wish others could have walked in my shoes for a little while and seen it too.
Have you ever said to hell with race hatred because your own kind treat you like crap???
finally someone who has experienced ignorance among %26quot;their own%26quot;. I have had ignorance shoved @ me by people of my race by for the texture of my hair, the way I talk the color of my skin....I applaud you for speaking up and realizing color has nothing to do with being a decent person. too bad many of your WASP brethren have not had the enlightenment I see you have experienced.
Reply:thank you for speaking out on your own observations about this reality people should be sharing!!! Report It
Reply:I agree. It blows my mind that human beings ever came up with such an idea as to judge a person%26#039;s inner character on the basis of the color of their skin. I might as well hate and generalize people who can get nice tans.
Racism is the utmost in ignorance.
Reply:I totally agree :)
Reply:LOVE THIS QUESTION. fun story and yes, you%26#039;re right. at first while iw as reading, i was like, why did he even make it a point to notice that his neighbor is white, but after the brother helped u get a ride home, then i understood. i saw a bumpersticker that says, %26quot;God loves EVERYONE. No exceptions.%26quot; i think i agree with god on that one. :)
Reply:I belong to the ***HUMAN RACE***
And not one sub-race of that deserves to be treated better than any other cause they all want to get their greedy little hands on everything I have to try and take it from me... That%26#039;s why it%26#039;s called HUMAN NATURE... Not Caucasian Nature.
Don%26#039;t Descriminate: Hate Everyone Equally. Cause they all want to see you burn at the stake anyway.
Reply:yeah, what youre sayin is true and everybody needs to see this
Reply:Ther is not such a thing as RACE that word is an invention of biggets all our blood is red we are all the same some good some bad. I am just Human!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:I%26#039;ve never thought of that, because I%26#039;m not a racist. I think that good hearted people come in all colors, just as @ssholes do. I do like your question, though. I hope alot of racist people see this, and say the same thing.
Reply:Some people are idiots. It has nothing to do with race, gender, upbringing or money. The opposite is also true.
Reply:I%26#039;ve had to deal with same thing.
I lived in a totally mixed neighborhood (about 1/3 black, 1/3 white and 1/3 hispanic) and everyone was cool to each other except for this one white woman that absolutely wouldn%26#039;t talk to any other white folks. I tried saying hi to her one day when she was walking by and I was sitting on the porch and she just sniffed up her nose and rolled her eyes at me.
Reply:No,..... he shoots, scores! 2 points. But umm, seriously here, I don%26#039;t like racism of any kind but some people are just so stubborn that they don%26#039;t want to change. Their parents teach them this crap(racism) and they believe it. That right there would be an example of stripping a peron%26#039;s individuality, a person%26#039;s right to choose.
Reply:I%26#039;m Irish american and have found that if you have to generalize races, the blacks %26quot;outclass%26quot; the whites 40 to 1.
We whitefolk are about the most hateful, selfish group of liars on earth... Hell, no wonder everybody hates our country...we%26#039;ve become a nation of a$$holes.
Reply:You might be right in your particular case, but you can%26#039;t say it in general. That%26#039;d be just as unfair!
Reply:aww...well yeah.
Reply:There a%26#039;holes in all cultures .I treat people the way I would like to be.
I have no racist thoughts in me
I was raised that way and so were my children.
Just be the best person you can be and let others take care of themselves
Reply:know what you mean there. im white too and though they say black people are ignorant white people tend to think they are better then everyone else. not sure about you guys but i dont have many good friends who are white either. i prefer being around asians. but id say your leading a good life in my eyes. just like people for who they are its all we can do bro
Reply:Yeah I agree every race has ignorance and hatred...hatred isn%26#039;t racist I guess you could say lol, it doens%26#039;t pick and choose certain colored people.
Reply:Wow, you are such a deep thinker.
Did you remember your cigarettes on that road trip?
Reply:I%26#039;m not racist, I hate everyone.
Reply:happens to me at times to, I used to work security for 2 white churches and 3 black churches, the white churches treated me like dirt ****, the black churches treated me and my partners, likeI and we were sent from heaven, they made sure we had cold water or soda, and feed us with enough food for 10 people, treated us with kindness and respect and dignity and would send somebody out every so often to see if we were of, needless to say they were like family, and in the years we were there, we made sure that not a thing would happen to them and not one car was even tampered with, if they had huge doings me or one of the other officers would help on our own time and would never charge them, God Bless all people like this, thought me a lifelong lession, by the way I am white so you all can understand this better.
Reply:Heck yeah, to hell with racial hatred.
People are people, no matter what their race are.
Reply:You are so right. Right on. I wish others could see it too.
Reply:Can not give you an agreement my friend; you just never know.......I can not tell you the stories; but I stick with my own kind. (color that is) I keep the milk shake white; thats my favorite;.
Reply:i live in nyc.. all i know is.. chinese hate chinese.. but we are nice to others. why is that.. i really dont know.
Reply:i think i face it daily with friends hating their parents..people hating their own nationality and what not but on a serious matter am not racist...all i treat is treat equally even if they are phically handicap. i believe do it right what if he or she hates me but later even before going to their own graves they will realize naa she was good wid me. i have done her wrong..but again thats my way of thinking to do the right and leave the rest to the one above
Reply:I have a caucasian father and a mixed blood American Indian mother. There were a lot of racial politics in my family that wasn%26#039;t obvious but which I came to understand later in my life. Some of attitude is individual, but some is cultural too. Human nature has a lot to do with it, as I think everybody is basically naturally selfish when push comes to shove. The United States was founded on slavery of colored people by Europeans, and it has been a long struggle to somewhat overcome the White Supremicist attitudes that have prevailed, especially by the Anglos, not so much by the French who came here.
I have gone through stages of being with White people, Indian people, Blacks and Hispanics. The White people are, it seems to me, the most competitive and least hospitable. The others are more community minded and cooperative as part of their culture. To tell you the truth, throughout my life, the people who have been the nicest to me have turned out to be sincere Christians, and some have been Jews, and a few Muslims, While some of the meanest people have been %26#039;conservative%26#039; people of each of those religions.
So, it seems like the old song from South Pacific, and I recommend that movie to you.... %26quot;you%26#039;ve got to be taught%26quot; is true, culturally. Those that are taught to %26#039;Love others and be merciful%26#039;, as were those from the churches that treated sidekick well,,,, and I%26#039;ll bet your kind man, too. Seriously, see if you can find a video of South Pacific,, it is about interracial relationships.
I guess the old saying is true that %26#039;you can%26#039;t tell a book by its cover%26#039;.
Now I am older and I have decided that %26#039;everything is beautiful in its own way%26#039; as that song says, and to rise above color lines, and jjust enjoy all the kinds of foods and music and art and stuff that every ethnic group has.
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